Linux Install Party 2015-10-12

Place and Date

A Linux Install Party takes place on:

  • 2015-10-12, 14:00-16:00: Tiergarten (T 1.09, T 1.10, T 1.13), Burgdorf

This is an open event. We welcome everyone.

There is no registration required.


Part 1: Introduction

  1. Quick Introduction to Debian and Derivatives
  2. Poll: Who has no backup? → use VirtualBox
  3. Poll: Who uses EFI? → use VirtualBox
  4. Poll: Who wants to keep other OS? → use VirtualBox
  5. Poll: Who uses Apple Hardware? → use VirtualBox
  6. Poll: Who uses 32bit? → use cdimage from us
  7. Poll: Who cannot boot with PXE? → use CD or USB stick from us
  8. Further Information:

Part 2: Installation

  1. Guided Installation with Beamer and Personal Aissistance


  • Installing in VirtualBox:
    • network adapter in bridged mode
    • hdd 125GB:
      • 25GB root: primary, ext4, /, discard and noatime options, bootable
      • 1GB: swap
      • rest data: primary, ext4, /home, discard and noatime options, 0 reserve
  • Installing on Hardware:
    • hdd 125GB:
      • 25GB root: primary, ext4, /, discard and noatime options, bootable
      • size of RAM: swap
      • rest data: primary, ext4, /home, discard and noatime options, 0 reserve
  • boot parameters for CDs and USB Sticks only: insert the following options auto=true priority=critical url= before the three dashes (—).