

We provide a fully integrated default Linux desktop installer and live image for BFH staff and students. It is based on Debian 8 (jessie) with GNOME 3 and selected backports from the upcoming Debian 9 (stretch).

It comes in two variants: one to be used with a BFH account and one without.

It comes in multiple media flavours each: combined ISO and USB/HDD images, PXE netboot, Terminal Server and OVA/VirtualBox VMs, for the amd64 and i386 architectures.

If you are interested in regular status updates on the further development of the client, you might want to subscribe to our and/or mailing lists.


Please also use the BFH Linux Users mailing list for feedback, problems, and questions.

Use (requires BFH Account to use)

Network Boot (PXE)

  • Live: Boot any BFH machine in the BFH network,
    select 'Working Environments / GNOME Desktop (Live)' entry.
  • Installer: Boot any BFH machine in the BFH network,
    select 'Working Environments / GNOME Desktop (Installer)' entry.

Terminal Server

Login: BFH Account via SSH

Download: 3.20151027-1 (requires no BFH Account to use)

OVA Image (VirtualBox, VMware, ...)