SVN Shutdown (DRAFT!!!)

Problem runs an old FreeBSD 8.2 server from March 2011. The server is maintained by ITS Client Team.

We currently have the following problems with it:

  • security updates do not work anymore since at least 2012 due to the bad shape the server is in
  • security is best-effort only at best (fortunately, the server is internal only and not exposed directly to the Internet)
  • replacing with a Linux based setup is possible in general but a relatively hugh task
  • the client team is not able nor want to continue maintaining

Given that:

  • SVN is obsolete, Git is the industry standard
  • nobody works upstream on SVN related software anymore, thus:
    • there is no and never has been a smart gatekeeper available (svnadmin allows true|false only on a specific user for a specific repository), so users cannot manage their repositories themselfs (create/grant permissions on branches/sub-directories/repositories)
    • there is no smart webfrontend available (viewvc is buggy, unstable, and slow on larg-ish setups and has no multi-tenant or permission support)
  • we (linux people, infrastructure team) already have a fully working Git server ( in production with a proper gatekeeper allowing complete selfservice for users


  • migrate everyones repositories from to
  • we offer complete pain free migration from old svn repos to git, including preservation of all commit history
  • Since January 2014 we are trying to replace the server by convincing all remaining users to move to Git too and migrate all remaining repositories to Git.
  • We have documetation on ready for usage of git and offer beginner and advanced courses/help for Git too, both for staff and students.


  • CW 19: Inform AKOs and Users
  • CW 27: Send Reminder to Users
  • 2015-08-01: no new repos can be created on
  • 2015-08-25: becomes read-only, tarballs of old svn repos can be downloaded by the user
  • 2015-10-01: shutdown of