container-tools Usage

Basic Usage

container-tools has a command wrapper script, so you can invoke the command by the main container script. Here we use the alias cnt. The man page container(1) shows all available container commands.

Create a new container

cnt create -n CONTAINER


always use FQDN as container name.

Start an existing container

cnt start -n CONTAINER

Attach console to a started container

cnt console -n CONTAINER

Stop an existing container

cnt stop -n CONTAINER

Delete an existing container

cnt remove -n CONTAINER

You may have to stop the container first.

List existing containers on the system

List all started and stopped containers of the local system:

cnt list

List all started and stopped containers of the local system as a machine-readable list:

cnt list -f short

List all started and other containers:

cnt list -s -o

Show status of an container

Show detailed status of container

cnt status -n