Addressbook Configuration

As known from the local addressbook, by adding new recipients you can recieve recommendations for addresses known inside BFH.

Configuration Screenshots

Step 1

Open Preferences from your options menu.


Step 2

Go to Composition and Addressing. Click on Edit Directories….


Step 3

Click on Add.


Step 4

Name: give this configuration a name (eg. BFH).
Base DN: dc=bfh,dc=ch
Port number: 636
Bind DN: CN=Lastname Firstname [account],OU=ITS,OU=Staff,OU=Services,DC=bfh,DC=ch
Check Use secure connection (SSL)


Replace Bind DN with your personal DN. As long we do not offer a self help site for this, please refer to or call our servicedesk at +41 31 848 48 48.


Step 5

Click on Offline and Press Download Now.


As with each query to LDAP a new connection is going to be established searching may be slow. For this you can download a offline set of all BFH account related data.


Step 6

Click on OK


Step 7

Ensure to have checked Directory Server and have selected your newly created configuration. Press Close.


Manual Configuration

  • Hostname:
  • Base DN: dc=bfh,dc=ch
  • Port number: 636
  • Bind DN: DN
  • Use secure connection (SSL)


Replace Bind DN with your personal DN, e.g. CN=Lastname Firstname [account],OU=ITS,OU=Staff,OU=Services,DC=bfh,DC=ch. This is a example. As long we do not offer a self help site for this, please refer to or call our servicedesk at +41 31 848 48 48.