Bareos Administartor [Bareos at BFH]


BFH Linux System Administration



  • What I have to do, to use bareos
  • Bareos service configuration (director, filedaemon, storagedaemon, traymonitor, etc.)
  • Best practices with bareos and other backup tools (maybe only linked)
  • Update and upgrade the bareos backup bfh service (report open source bugs, publish upgrade how to’s or packages etc. )

What I have to do, to use bareos bfh services

  • Run the script (to create your own bareos client confiugration [files])
  • Open Ticket to activate your bfh bareos account/profile
  • Do a full backup
  • After these tasks: One full backup job is done and save, when is your your next bareos job scheduled?

Service configuration

To become an active bareos profile, you have to open/create a OTRS Ticket:

With some service details configure the bareos client like below:

Queue: Linux
Service: Bareos
Protocols: Bareos Native or NMDP (Bareos Native if unsure)

FQDN / Fully Qualified Domain Name: (for exmaple --> FQDN for Testserver, --> Original FQDN)
Size of Backup Repo:
Schedule plan: For example (Mo 08:00, Mo 15:00, Di 12:00, Mi 21:00, So 00:00 etc.)

Activate bareos client config:

Copy the Bareos client config from user home to /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/client
# Run these shell commands on the bareos director service/daemon server to activate the new config files (to add the new user)
# Or make a new git commit

$ cp /home/$USER/$FQDN/*-$FQDN.conf /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/jobs/.
$ cp /home/$USER/$FQDN/$FQDN.conf /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/client/.
$ cp /home/$USER/$FQDN/$USER.conf /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/console/.
$ chown -R bareos:bareos /etc/bareos
$ bconsole << EOF

Check bareos director config, but how? –> run a backup job, and check if job was Terminated successfully

--> log in via website GUI
---> Go to jobs -> then actions
----> Start the backup job, with the FQDN of your System

Control if the full backup data works:

Go to the restore section on bareos website, choose the backup data and the restore client
and start the job, when you have finished selecting some files to restore.


Bare Metal Restore with Bareos => Bareos Bare Metal Restore ==> B-BMR

With B-BMR you can restore your Bareos Client configuration from a repository, the paritition table is also safed there

Best practices

RTFM until to END, follow the manual (step by step) Or Ask the system administration team

update & upgrade

We recommend to run a backup of the bareos server and the bareos catalogue DB After you can update and upgrade your bareos services daemons

On the server
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade bareos-*

With bareos-* you will upgrade all installed bareos-daemons You can see this list by execute this command: $(dpkg -l | grep bareos-*)